3 July 2011, 22:11 CDT - Cheats and Charts

Did you know that if you give every letter a numerical value, take the sums of all our call signs, and pair them up as points - Nosemeal with Bonesaw, Curry Fan with Iron Man, and Red October with Top Notch - and then graph it, it makes a smiley face?

You didn't? Good, because it's not true. Maybe it is; I haven't tried. I'm just fucking with you. Mostly to get my mind off of things.

Fuck. It's times like this I really wish I hadn't faked my way through school. And you know what? I don't care who knows. I'm stuck up here, now. They can't punish me without communications. They can't punish me if they can't even get their voice through.

Red October, over and out.

1 comment:

  1. FUCK. Now I want to try it but my head hurts. You sir, are a horrible, HORRIBLE person.
