30 May, 2011, 12:43 CDT - Gloom and Gluttony

Yes, I ate your last chocolate truffle, Top Notch, but to be fair I didn't know it was yours and they are really good. Do you know how long it's been since I had a chocolate truffle? Or chocolate of any sort? Nine. Months. A whole nine months. Девять fucking месяцев! I could have had a kid in the time it took for me to find and eat a chocolate truffle.

The shadows around here are screwing up. Sometimes they're not there at all and sometimes everything looks like a spider or the branches of a dead tree and sometimes everything is covered in shadow. I'll be honest - I'm a little scared. Burning up on reentry? No big deal. Getting disconnected from the space station? Might be a fun trip. But shadows, man, shadows...these shadows. I'm not scared of the dark or anything, but these shadows are...they're something else.

Most of the computers are still pretty fucked up but I've scavenged a single scrap of video from the junk pile, as it were. All it shows is a dark trip through the halls of the station and about half a second of some guy in a suit. Again, I showed it to Nosemeal and he told me he doesn't even own a suit. He says the last time he ever needed one was for his father's sixth wedding - about six years ago, actually. I was there, too. Man, was that a fun night. I remember getting drunk as all hell and riding on the chandelier until it fell and set everything on fire. Damn. I wish I could have nights like that out here.

But that's right - we don't have nights at all.

Platinum DJ Bentley D, MC, PhD, King of Games, is telling me there's something going on with my bunk. Not telling me literally, but there's a security feed here and even though it's dark as, well, outside, I can tell that there's something there. I'll check it out, I guess.

Red October, over and out.

1 comment:

  1. Be careful, you may be dealing with something much, much worse than the pictures you found online.
